The Road to Progress…

The Road to Progress In Petaluma CA…

The Road to Progress…

There are tons of doctors of chiropractic in Petaluma CA and the greater Sonoma Country area and we all approach patient care in many different ways. Some are pain management, some are first come first serve, and some approach care from a wellness perspective. There is no right or wrong way, but you need to seek professional help that is best suited to your needs. So how does your Petaluma CA chiropractor approach the health of his clients?

Your Petaluma CA chiropractor

Your Petaluma chiropractor designs specific care plans for the individual from a wellness perspective. Here is how he breaks it down at Magnolia Chiropractic of Petaluma.

  • Relief Care: This is the point where you decide to seek care. Perhaps due to a recent injury or neck pain that has gotten worse over time. During this phase, you are receiving care more frequently which is allowing your body to recover more efficiently. Most people will enjoy steady improvement from day 1, while others might actually seem to be getting worse before their body begins expressing positive results. This has to do with the body's ability to adapt.
  • Corrective Care: At this point, you will be feeling better and possibly seeing improvements in your primary complaint that initially made you seek care. This phase of care addresses the root cause of the problem which is normally a long-standing problem. Now it is up to you to choose whether to continue care in order to maintain and optimize your health or stop the treatment which could possibly lead you back to where you started. Remember it is not about feeling, it is about function.
  • Wellness Care: The third phase ensures optimal well-being. It is prudent to maintain this level of health since we are constantly under stress from our environment. Whether it be physical, emotional, or toxins that hinder our ability to live and lead an optimal life. Checking in for regular chiropractic adjustments will help ensure you are living at your optimum level of health and function. How far do you want to take your own health? THE CHOICE IS YOURS.


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Magnolia Chiropractic of Petaluma

1456 Professional Dr STE 403
Petaluma, CA 94954

(707) 774-6035